So I bought a camera.
But allow me to digress for a moment. Have you noticed yet that I like beginning sentences, paragraphs, and posts with 'And', 'So', 'But', 'Or', 'So' and the like.... conjunctions that witch by their nature should be conjuncting within the sentence, not outside it? I'm not doing it by accident, or ignorance, but rather by arrogance. I like the effect. Negating whole previous sentences. Amplifying previous sentences. Creating cross-linkage inside and outside writing objects of all sorts. It is sort of like .... overloading an operator when programming... taking something we know knows how to conjoin integers, like "+", and teaching it to add... music tracks together. [flute] + [drum]
To a grammar geek I believe it would be called an 'anapodoton', a subordinate clause without a main clause, a member of the class of sentences called 'anacoluthon' or 'without sequence'. As though by giving them a fancy descriptive name in Greek the process has been blessed and found virtuous- I shall quit the field, victorious.
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